1. Hak Cipta Perangkat Lunak
Menurut UU Hak Cipta No. 19 tahun 2002 pasal 2 mengenai hak cipta untuk mengumumkan atau memperbanyak ciptaannya
2. Undang - Undang Hak Cipta :
a. Pasal 2 ayat 1
b. Pasal 49 ayat 1 dan 2
c. Pasal 72 ayat 1, 2, dan 3
Aturan pengutipan dan penyalinan yang tidak melanggar Undang - Undang :
a. Pengutipan ciptaan pihak lain sebanyak 10 % dari ciptaan yang dikemukan untuk menguraikan masalah
b. Pembuatan salinan cadangan suatu program komputer dilaksanakan semata - matauntuk digunakan sendiri ( UU No. 7 tahn 1987 ) reserve copy production program komputer
3. Menghargai kreasi orang lain
a. Menghindari Pengopian secara tidak sah ( Illegal Copy )
" Copy " ialah merekam suatu dokumen atau program dari suatu media ke media lain. Untuk mengetahui apakah dokumen tersebut merupakan hasil copy dari dokumen lain, kita dapat melihatnya dengan menggunakan program "copyscape" dengan memgetik www.
b. Menghindari Pengubahan Program Orang lain
Biasanya dilakukan dengan cara mengubah kode atau perintah yang ditulis dalam suatu program
diposting oleh :
1. anin khoirunnisa ( 06 )
2. dita ayu sevadi ( 09 )
3. novita sulistyorini ( 20 )
4. Rima Renita
5. Siti Aminati Wachidah
Kamis, 15 November 2007
Ethic Regulation and moral of using a software
Ethic Regulation and moral of using a software
1.The copyright institutions No.19,2002 chapter 2 about exclusive right for the creator to announce their creation
2. Copyright Institutions :
a. To go away from illegal copy
" copy " is record a document or programm from some media another media. To knows about the document is copy product from the other documents or not, we can use the "copyscape" proggramm by types
b. To go away from the other pople's changed proggramm
Changing the code or instruction which writed in some programm
1.The copyright institutions No.19,2002 chapter 2 about exclusive right for the creator to announce their creation
2. Copyright Institutions :
- Chapter 2 verse 1
- Chapter 49 verse 1 and 2
- Chapter 72 verse 1, 2, and 3
- Quote the creation of the other side about 10 % from the creation wich announced for explaining the problem
- The reserve copy production some computer programm is exclusively worked for own using. ( The institutions no. 7, 1957 )
a. To go away from illegal copy
" copy " is record a document or programm from some media another media. To knows about the document is copy product from the other documents or not, we can use the "copyscape" proggramm by types
b. To go away from the other pople's changed proggramm
Changing the code or instruction which writed in some programm
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